Adrian Black

Skype: AdrianBlack.Fit

Adrian Black

20, 185cm (6'1"), 80kg (176 lbs)

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About me

Available for live cam shows and custom vids. Add me on Skype for more details: AdrianBlack.Fit

Add me on Snapchat where I'll be doing daily vlogs on my gym performance and flexing - AdrianBlackFlex


I had my first cam show with Adrian last night, and it was great! Adrian is new to this scene, and he’s the real deal: cute, sexy, disarming, a little bashful, and genuinely devoted to making sure his viewers enjoy the show. The session was not at all rushed and very reasonably priced. He was playful and fun throughout it. He’s developed some amazing back and leg muscles, which I know people will especially love. He was also very accommodating in terms of what outfit to wear. I highly recommend him! I’m already planning the custom video I’ll be asking him to make. I can’t wait to see more of him!

humboldt [774] on 28 May 2016

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Adrian Black


Age 20
Height 185cm (6'1")
Weight 80kg (176 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity White


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