Christmas Gifts



Member since July 2018

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 1.2

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

AmeliaSevenson has a Loyalty Score of 100 .

Profile Reviews

daniel carter

daniel carter

Have bought 2 videos of of him. 1st vid he missed some stuff out but i let it go as it was only minor and it was still a good video, 2nd video he didnt wear the top i wanted him to wear and missed a few other things out. I then asked if he could make up for it by making a shirt 3 to 4 min video of the stuff that he missed out and wearing the top i wanted, he said yes he can do it very soon, but some days passed i asked again and he'd keep pushing it back. It's now been around 2 weeks and still no response from him eventhough he comes online to Skype but doesn't open my chat. So disappointed. But willing to change this review if he pulls through

19 Oct 2023

daniel carter replied...
what is your username? Message me. I get quite busy. I did your video to the best of my ability. I could not seem to make you happy so I figured I would probably not take any more requests from you. If you want a few mins of video to rectify things I can do that. my Skype chat is super busy so please message me again and or comment your user name profile here.

Tom H

Tom H

Really troublesome to get videos off. Doesn't reply

19 Mar 2019



VERBALLY ABUSIVE I spoke to him on skype for a video. I wanted to know what his shape was and from there he started using offensive words

24 Dec 2018