
Member since April 2016

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Average rating: 4.2

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

Andrew1446 has a Loyalty Score of 1,840 .

Profile Reviews

Kevin Muscle

Kevin Muscle

Unfortunately I've had a similar experience with this guy as other reviewers. I paid for a video back on July 19th and haven't received it yet. I had a lot of back and forth communication in the first week or two, with pretty reasonable justifications of why he had not been able to send it yet, before he went silent. I did manage to get him to start responding again by contacting someone else who he sometimes makes videos for, and getting them to nudge him, but after apologising for the delay he went silent again. It's a shame this is happening to people.

7 Sep 2024

Leonidas God

Leonidas God

I got a wrestling video from him with a friend. Firstly, he raised the price from what we had originally agreed, saying his friend wanted more - I think this probably should have been confirmed with the friend before giving me a price we'd agreed on. Secondly, I gave some requests of what I wanted them to include, none of which were in the final video. When I questioned this, he said he forgot and was exhausted. He did offer to remake it, but it's been over a month now so I don't think he was serious about that. Not very impressed, unfortunately.

18 Aug 2024

Big Bobby

Big Bobby

I requested a video and it was all done within a few hours of contacting David. Very fast and delivered what I had asked for. Could not have been easier to deal with. Would definitely recommend anybody to contact him for a video from a good guy!

12 May 2024

Big Bobby replied...
Thank you soo much man! 🤗💪🏻💪🏻

John King

John King

I requested a video which was delivered the next day, so very quick response. It was a roleplay request and the idea that I gave was followed pretty well. The only problem I had was the length of the video: we had agreed it would be 10 to 15 minutes, but it was only 8 minutes. Other than that, no real complaints.

10 Feb 2024

John King replied...
Sorry for the length of the video, next time i will make it longer😁

Leon God

Leon God

Unfortunately I have to backtrack on my previous review, as after ordering several customs from him, he vanished after taking payment for the latest one.

21 Apr 2023

Andrew1446 has written 22 more reviews. See them all here