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Member since May 2017

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 4.7

Video Reviews


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bitchcraft96 has a Loyalty Score of 1,019 .

Profile Reviews

Joshua Armstrong

Joshua Armstrong

I don't know who or what is keeping his website and Facebook in operation, but I know for sure it's NOT Joshua. It's clear he hasn't been active since the earlier part of 2018, and trying to contact him will result in a "full mailbox" response. It may be best to avoid him. It's a shame, he was a lot of people's favorite, but things like this happen a lot nowadays.

27 Nov 2023

Jack Stacked

Jack Stacked

When he delivers, he DELIVERS. It seems some people won't accept when models here go through medical crises, and y'all want to cry out that he's a scammer. If anything, in my interactions with him, I'm pleasantly surprised with his humble nature and his sense of humility in our interactions, almost like a gentle giant. Don't mistake me, he knows how to make sure you KNOW who's master in his work. He's turned this into an artform, and adds a certain sophistication to a video that will leave you BEGGING for more. Seriously, the one-star reviewers here must be some of the most impatient people here. High quality work is not going to be done in the snap of a finger, so if you're too impatient with delivery time, don't bother. If you prefer quality, this is the one for you. When the time comes, I will absolutely come back for more.

26 Jan 2023



I'll admit, freely and openly that there's some models that I've completely forgotten to leave reviews for. Fabio's one of them, and I hope he can forgive me for my neglect. He's one of the ones I was pleasantly surprised with. He didn't come across as welcoming at first (due to the "do not disturb" sign left on his profile at the time). From start to finish, however, he was very responsive and friendly. There was a minor mishap while filming (that's not really an issue for me), and he thought I hated the final product, but I do video editing as a hobby and was able to correct the issue. The overall experience was one of the better ones though. I love how he was one of the few that showcases sensuality in a dominant fashion and created a sense of tension with silence. The custom that he sent was SO satisfying that it's one of the ones I go back to again and again even after two years, and to me THAT'S the goal of making a custom; where there's so much to discover and rediscover in ten minutes. One day, when things are a little more stable, I will come back for more.

17 Jan 2023

Max Wood

Max Wood

As per my word, I’m not leaving a negative review for Max. In fact, once again, I think someone who can handle a *ding ding ding* on their phone without lashing out or getting pissy DESERVES at least 5 stars. My phone and tablet weren’t updating in sync, so my phone was sending the same message over and over. He was super chill about it, and that alone got him this many stars. Again, I recognize that I’m not the only fan here requesting a video, and I don’t come in with any expectations with any of these models. Unfortunately, like the rest here, he bounced after payment. So, I suppose I’ve learned the hard way. That’s alright, there’s more to choose from here, and I think he’ll (hopefully) grow out of it with time. Don’t mistake me, it doesn’t mean I’m allowing him to walk over me, because karma’s only a bitch if you are. All the little things you do will always come right back to you. I get it, no one’s showing him enough mercy or kindness, so I won’t add to the pile of shit that I know is weighing him down. I hope whatever issue in his life is resolved soon though because he's still a human being with real thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I won't tear him down for it.

17 Jan 2023

Jack Stacked

Jack Stacked

In my experience with Jack, I haven't had one issue with him. He's been very kind, and that's a word I hardly ever use. I'd like to know what's indicated the reviewer that he's a homophobe though, because he has a reputation for being bisexual, even fucking a trans woman on camera. So that's a straight up lie. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's bullying. No, he's not a bad guy and he's not short (at least he hasn't been with me). Jack is in high demand and has a LOT of fans, he can't get to them all at once and he keeps himself pretty busy. In fact, I think he's very patient. He's had EVERY opportunity to me fuck off but hasn't. I get it, we live in the age of the internet, we want things to happen yesterday, but unfortunately we're still human beings with all the flaws and shortcomings that come with being one. Yes, I requested and paid for a custom, and it hasn't been delivered yet, but I'm certainly not going to get all pissy and leave a negative review because he didn't deliver right away. I, for one, appreciate the time people take to film a video of high quality, as opposed to something that's been rushed. The bigger the dude, it seems, the harsher people want to criticize here, it seems. He doesn't deserve that, period, point blank, end of story.

10 Jan 2023

bitchcraft96 has written 26 more reviews. See them all here