
Member since April 2017

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 1.5

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

car has a Loyalty Score of 83 .

Profile Reviews

Viking Muscle

Viking Muscle

I have tried to have him do a giant vore video, but unfortunately he said he will do them when he will have more time but he has never gotten back to me about making that video, i'd prefer he would tell me straight that he would not make those kind of videos instead of getting my hopes up and be waiting for his response

14 Dec 2021

Viking Muscle replied...
Dear customer, I never ask for any payment in advance If I am unable to do a requested video. I am simply not recording vore videos. I am serious, with several years of experience and 5* customer service. Have a nice day, Viking

Steven C

Steven C

I thought I'd be the exception to the current pattern, but alas I was wrong, i recently requested a custom video, was replied by email right away, and was told he will do my video, i then submitted my payment, weeks passed and nothing happened, kept, emailing him but there was no response, sent him another request through another email, only then he answered( cause it was a different email) he said he'll do my video, but I'm still waiting, he used to be legit and had very good reviews, but recently he turned to the dark side, and started liking easy money, moto of the story, if you see a trend with a guy of not following up, then you know he's turned into a scammer, if you have extra money to throw away for nothing, then send it to him. Never send money before he performs the task, make him do the work as you pay him through a liveshow, then he'll do, cause he loves money, but never send him money preemptibly, cause he'll take it and run, and he wont respond to your emails afterwords

23 Jan 2021