Member since November 2017
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coolcatdaddy has a Loyalty Score of 13,295 and is in the Top 50 most loyal fans .
I've been getting custom videos from Tony for about three years. He's great - very responsive and always does a great job on the videos. Tony loves to flex and it's been great seeing his progress over time as he's put on more mass. He's the best.
8 Dec 2018
Tony D replied...
Thank you!
Crazy Alpha Muscle God Is Back with Tony D
Verified review
Tony D is back and better than ever - he's made amazing progress over the past few years. Hot, ripped, muscled, powerful body and he's intense and cocky as hell about it. I could watch this guy for hours.
14 Jan 2022
Biceps To Blow Your Mind with Zeecko
Verified review
All I can say about this is "Wow". Zeecko looks amazing in this - massive and veined - and it's really well shot. The size he's put on when you compare it to his earliest videos is just fantastic.
10 Dec 2018