Crush me

Member since November 2015

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

Crush me has a Loyalty Score of 104 .

Profile Reviews

Logan Lowe

Logan Lowe

Logan. Please make another video for bestflex. Although, I’ve yet to make it more than halfway through the first one. I don’t know how your poor weak victim makes it past the first 10 secs. Your deep
sexy voice. Your unstoppable alpha dominance. Oh... and those muscles. Did the little guy even make past the doorway. I’m wasted.

22 Apr 2019

Video Reviews

Frazer Dunne

Muscles Hard As Rock with Frazer Dunne

Verified review

No words. Just wow! His muscles are bigger, harder, and more shredded them ever. And he easily dominates you with his cocky self worship while flexing incredible bulging muscles right in your face. Over and over he slugs his mighty pecs and razor sharp, deep cut abs to demonstrate they are indeed much harder than rock. He jabs his finger hard into his big powerful biceps so you see that even with his strength, they cannot be dented at all whatsoever. And all this time, he’s driving you crazy with the sexiest, deepest, and the most masculine voice you’ve ever heard. Laughing at how easily he keeps you under his spell. Fraser is beyond perfect.

20 Oct 2017