Profile Reviews by DeputyDawg

DeputyDawg has written 34 profile reviews. View their fan profile
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Max Italian

Max Italian

I'm shocked at all the bad reviews here. My experience with him was AMAZING!!!

He is a very good looking, super nice guy with an AMAZING body. Setting up a video call was quick and easy. Great personality too. Did I say AMAZING body - I mean WOW what a body!!! EVERY body part was awesome to see relaxed and flexed.

His body is just amazing!!!! I cant recommend him enough. I defiantly will be going back to see him again!!!!

14 Feb 2023

Max Italian replied...
Tks I’m happy liked my show !! Grazie 💪🌶️🌶️

Kevin Conrad

Kevin Conrad

I partially blame myself for not reading the reviews here - the multiple scams he has pulled on others.

We agreed on a show. I sent the money as promised. He said to give him a few mins. POOF he disappeared.

Save your money, AVOID this man !!!!!

21 Mar 2021

Sculptor Timmy

Sculptor Timmy

Had another amazing show with him.

WOW what a HOT HOT HOT body and puts on a great MUSCLE flexing show

9 Mar 2021

Sculptor Timmy

Sculptor Timmy

Just had my first show with Timmy..

WOW what great looking man with a very HOT body. He has a great body and shows it off well. Those biceps and abs are incredible.

I enjoyed the show and will go back to see him again !!!

21 Jan 2021



Been a while (mostly due to my schedule), but I had another GREAT session.

Man he looks great. His size is awesome. Super nice guy who puts on a great show.

Thanks again !!!

6 Dec 2020

The Beast King of Aesthetics

The Beast King of Aesthetics

Had an amazing cam show with him.

WOW what a body on him. Those biceps are amazing.

Super nice friendly guy with NO attitude.

Great show!!!!

8 Sep 2020

The Beast King of Aesthetics replied...
Thanks my friend..



Yet another amazing show from an amazing man with a super hot body.

Those biceps are just incredible.

But not just those, lats pecs etc are awesome.

Treat yourself to a great show with him as I have done many times

29 Dec 2019

George Veinz

George Veinz

Had another amazing cam show !!!

Georgi obviously has the muscle to put on a good show. But what keeps me coming back is his personality. He is super nice with NO attitude.

Thanks Georgi!!!! I appreciate the great show you gave me !!!

7 Oct 2019

Tony D

Tony D

Tony has the body, no doubt !! Those biceps are amazing!!

However presentation during cam show sucks. He moves too quick for the viewer to enjoy. He is like a squirrel running around. I was chatting with him telling what I (the person paying) would like to see, but all of that was ignored. I even told him to slow down, nope didn't happen.

It was just too difficult to watch and follow.

Then when the time we agreed upon was done he simply quit the show without a thank you, bye or anything.

I gave him a 2 only because of his body. Else it would have gotten a 1

Sorry Tony.. Hope you can learn from this. I know i'm in the minority based on other reviews. I'm simply stating my opinion which i'm entitled to.

Best wishes

26 Sep 2019



Had yet another amazing show with him.
He never ceases to stop impressing me.

The muscle control he has and shows is awesome..

But don't take my word for it alone, book yourself. You will see.

I will continue to come back to him :)

8 Sep 2019



Had a great cam session!!!

Really great body!!!!! Loves to flex and it shows !!!

Super nice friendly guy too :)

20 Aug 2019



I have done a cam show with him before and it was great.

We were talking last night and agreed to do a show. He sent me info for payment. I immediately sent him money. Then he went silent for at least 15 mins.

I actually submitted a request to PayPal to cancel the payment. Then finally he replied back stating he had gone to bed. I was like WTF dude, you agreed to a show. He asked if we could do it the next day. I said NO we agreed now and thats when I wanted to do it.

He reluctantly agreed and we did the show. It was good, I will say that.

We actually talked just now (<12 hours later). I asked if we could do another show. He said yes. I asked if he could give me any break on a show since we had done one less than 12 hours ago. He said NO. He said the rate from last night was less than what he wanted (which btw is the rate he gave me). He said that price should be cheap for Americans.

Needless to say I won't be returning to cam with him after this

4 Aug 2019



Had my first show with Chad.

He is freaking awesome. Yes he has a super HOT body and flexes well. But more importantly (and what will keep me coming back) - NO attitude super friendly guy

Thanks Chad for a great show. I really enjoyed it. You look (and sound) amazing. Wish you the best

30 Jun 2019

Big Alpha

Big Alpha

WOW what a great show !!!!!

Sure he has the body and knows how to show it off for his client. But he has an amazing friendly no attitude personality. These qualities make for a good show and will get me to come back again.

Thanks for a great show !!! You look amazing !!!

16 Jun 2019

Big Alpha replied...
Thank you very much ;)



Another GREAT show from a GREAT and MUSCLED man !!!!!!

12 Jun 2019



Have camped with him a few times now. Each time is amazing!!!

His body is just awesome. He knows how to flex and show it off !!!

Great show, Thanks !!!!!

6 Jun 2019



Just had another cam show!!!!

Just as amazing as before. Perhaps better.

This man is handsome, has the MUSCLE for sure and super nice. NO attitude with him.

This is what will keep me coming back.

Great show !!!!!!!! Thanks again my friend!!!!

4 Jun 2019



What a purely awesome show !!!!!

He has the body and personality to give a great show. Damm he has a nice body !!!! Super friendly and nice too :)

Will come back again for sure :)

8 May 2019



Just had another cam show !!!!

WOW this man continues to awe me with his size and muscle control. Slow motion pec bounce and vacuum are amazing. Biceps are incredible too.

Super nice guy - ZERO attitude!!!!!!

That is why I will come back again

31 Mar 2019

Stud Max Teen

Stud Max Teen

Just did a cam show with this massive muscle god !!!!!!

Holy ____ was he impressive. His size and flexing was off the chart!!

And one hell of a NICE guy. NO attitude at all.

Check him out for yourself. You Won't be disappointed

27 Feb 2019

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