
Member since March 2023

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Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

FuckRx has a Loyalty Score of 350 .

Video Reviews

Jason Genesis

Naked 21st Birthday Flex with Jason Genesis

Verified review

Love this guy's new look in the. I've always have a thing for a guy with a pornstache, lol. Love the lean tall look. Just as a a suggestion though for a future dominant vid, would love to see this guy with hairy chest, pits, and face...and yes definitely the pornstache. Love, the cock, body, and attitude. Also, a lil improvement on being "into the moment" while acting would be great. I understand this takes time and practice and would love to see more.

6 Mar 2023

Jake Daniel

Flex and Cum with Jake Daniel

Verified review

Awesome masculine vid and nice cock. Would love to see you in a more dominant role almost telling the viewers what to do such that they feel like you are only talking to one person when you do. Love it when a guy is as hairy as he can be...chest, pits, and facial area. Would love to see more.

6 Mar 2023

Jay Fit

Jerking and Flexing with Jay Fit

Verified review

Love this guy and am glad he is back. TBH I didn't recognize him at first as I remember him to be more tanned and as a brunette a few years back. For some reason, he looks younger and paler when he came back. Probably all the gym and all but whatever it is...I'm loving it. Would love to see him in a more dominant tone...almost telling me what to do and to actually talk louder. I love the boyfriend and kind attitude of this guy as it is his personality...but as a fan, if you would be willing to do more dominant videos...that would be great...preferrably when you don't shave the chest and face...maybe trim it or something. But would love to see more like that.

6 Mar 2023

Jeune Body Alpha

Oil Up and Jerk Off with Jeune Body Alpha

Verified review

So em as hairy and as verbal and dominant as they it when a guy talks to the video as if he is talking to me when I'm alone in a room.

6 Mar 2023