
Member since June 2013

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Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

gympecs2master8 has a Loyalty Score of 140 .

Video Reviews


Private Flex Show with AlphaMuscles

Verified review

He differently knows his way around a pec deck and heavy incline bench. A must for viewers who view the male physique as a temple that cannot be ignored! The lat spread was Greek statue perfect, but too short to deserve a five rating. Deliver your servants the show they desire Alphaman!

14 Jun 2015


Muscle Gods Wrestling 2 with MaximusSteel

Verified review

What muscle wrestling should be; muscle performers demonstrating their dominate strength and power! Gym built muscle men fresh from the iron bench, striving to succeed, probe and excite the mind of the viewer. A true passion for displaying muscularity to those inspired on the mat that can triumph and never ignore the accomplishments of those who their technique defeated!

14 Jun 2015


Sexy Camshow with BigXander

Verified review

I would like to have seen allot more of his face. I would of liked to have heard his voice.

22 Sep 2013