
Member since May 2020

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Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


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joeysilverado has a Loyalty Score of 409 .

Profile Reviews



Bought two videos of this guy and NOT DISAPPOINTED. Request he release a video modelling an array of tight posing trunks! Big bulge and great conditioning.

24 Aug 2022

Video Reviews


Massive Pump and Flex with Zeecko

Verified review

Pretty good, worth it, a lot of muscle, but he needs some direction and variety. Back away from the camera for a few minutes. Wear posing trunks. Let's see all of you at once. I buy his videos, they're among the best here, but it's time for him to step away about 8 feet from the camera for 5 minutes of tight posing trunk flexing. And more biceps, please. STILL. Good stuff. He's getting bigger.

10 Dec 2022

Steven C

Massive Shredded Stud with Steven C

Verified review

NICE. Next time, more biceps and tight posers, but he's ripped and hard! Good one.

18 Nov 2022

Steven C

Bicep Peaks with Steven C

Verified review

I love big biceps, and this hardcore lean and yet bulging muscleboy has beautiful hard amnd ripped biceps peaks and an unflagging urge to flex 'em right up at the camera. Only suggestion would be next time, add full body front double biceps flexing wearing tight tight tight posers - but not at all disappointed! Among the best biceps on the site, along with Zeecko.....

18 Nov 2022


The Total Package with Zeecko

Verified review

I like it. Still not enough bulge on display. Glimpses of that huge package are not quite enough. Someone needs to tell this muscleman that his big dick is part of what makes him better than most men on stage. Let's see him in competition posers, and, no, not just his upper body - a full view.

30 Oct 2022


BLACKOUT PARTY 2022 - Massive Hard Muscles with Zeecko

Verified review

Pretty good from Zeecko, and worth the purchase, because - mostly - he gets it. And he may be the best muscle model on this site. His muscles are huge, vascular with fully rounded muscle bellies and great biceps peaks, and he understands the sensual closeups.

But what he still isn't quite getting is the fact that he appears to be unusually gifted as a bodybuilder - most men aren't as prodigiously hung as he appears to be.

He needs to do a full-body flexing video - forget the closeups just for now, and forget the underwear - he should stand back no more than six feet away from the video, that big cock crammed into a variety of the tightest posers he can fit into - and show us full body flexing, with his huge bulge always proudly displayed.

A 15 minute video made up entirely of a selection of different color competition posing trunks on this bodybuilder would sell like hotcakes. Let's see those biceps in upright flexing and let's see that heavy posing trunks in a variety of package presentations.

30 Oct 2022

joeysilverado has written 3 more video reviews. See them all here