John B

Member since April 2018

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Max Steel

Max Steel

As this was my first ever experience of meeting a bodybuilder and having the chance to finally fulfil a long-time dream of getting up close and personal with someone, I’m glad I done it with Max, it was well worth the wait and I’m glad to see him back on TBF.

Just to echo the other reviews of meet ups with Max, you will not be disappointed in any way.

When I arrived he greeted me at the door and boy did he fill that doorframe… this guy is beyond huge. From the get-go he makes you feel at ease and doesn’t rush you in anyway, he is very much at your service and as long as you abide by the rules he is a very easy going guy.

The hoody Max was wearing was clearly a multiple XL in size but done nothing to hide the fact that underneath it all was a physique that can only be seen to believe it exists, once it was peeled off I was truly in awe at what I was seeing. Just seeing him having to turn sideways to get through doors was enough to get the heart racing and we hadn’t even started yet.

At no point did I feel uncomfortable or made to feel awkward as Max has a great gift of being able to calm nerves through good conversations and going at the pace you decide.

His strength is something else, I’ve not been carried since I was a kid and Max effortlessly picked me up (80kg) as if I was a bag of shopping… I felt like Rose on the Titanic flying through the air. This was truly an experience I will never forget and will definitely, definitely be back for more in time. Booking it all through TBF with the Flex Check system was a huge piece of mind knowing it was all safe and secure.

Don’t be like me and put it off if this is something you want to do, I denied myself the chance years and years ago but as I said at the start, I’m pleased to have shared the experience with Max.


13 Jun 2024

Max Steel replied...
Hey mate! Good meeting you last night. Enjoyed trying on the tops. Especially the last one! Don't know how I got it on. Sure we'll catch up soon man. Take it easy x