Johnny Atlas

Member since November 2012

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 4.4

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

Johnny Atlas has a Loyalty Score of 756 .

Profile Reviews

Frank Vascularized

Frank Vascularized

This guy was above and beyond on all levels. Courtesy, efficiency, delivered everything and so much more. His physique is perfect. He knows how to show it off. And he wants to make sure you enjoy every little bit. Definitely recommend!

24 May 2024

Diego Fuertes

Diego Fuertes

This guy gives a 1000% into his shows. Amazing flexing and posing, awesome muscles, solid physique.. shows it off like none other and is a class act. Definitely recommend!

8 Apr 2024

Diego Fuertes replied...
Hello Johnny! It is a pleasure to give the best of me for each of you, that way you will be satisfied and happy, thank you very much once again for trusting me and my great potential as a model, each of you are an important role for my work and life.

Steve Evans

Steve Evans

This guy is solid and amazing! Big muscles, perfect physique, awesome attitude, and enjoys what he does. Definitely hit him up.. easy to deal with, super efficient, and totally cool!

25 Jan 2024

Steve Evans replied...
Heyyy thx a lot man!!! 💪🏼

Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw

Big Nick is awesome! Super jacked - super cool - super hot show and is great at what he does.. you can tell he enjoys it which makes it even bigger better and hotter! 13/10 would recommend

10 Jan 2024



I can 100% confirm that this dude is a scammer extraordinaire. Sent him $$$ by Zelle (his request) and haven't heard or seen from him since. Most likely his business model is to scam, block and repeat. There are plenty other legit solid and much better real men with integrity on the site.. Trust me. I wouldn't risk it if I were you.

20 Apr 2022

Johnny Atlas has written 7 more reviews. See them all here