
Member since July 2020

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

jomama1827 has a Loyalty Score of 197 .

Profile Reviews



Ordered a custom video, was not disappointed.

Alex did exactly what I asked (and a little bit more). He was just so impressive in the vid, and to top it off, friendly and professional to work with.

He puts on a great performance, he's friendly and professional too. Can't wait to order another one.

15 Mar 2021



Decided to get a custom vid, saw a lot of positive reviews so figured, why not treat myself.

Vid that he made me, he took my idea and made it 10000% better!!! I'm not joking, I knew it was going to be good, but did not expect to have my mind blown by what he made.

I am so happy with the work that he does, prompt communication, delivered when he said he would.

I wish I could write a better review, but I'm still in shock at how good it is, there's a reason he has so many positive reviews, if you're looking for someone that will deliver on what's promised, go with this guy, you will not be disappointed.

12 Mar 2021



Just got a custom vid from Bodyouwant. Once again, it's absolutely incredible. If you want a custom vid or Skype show, you should get a hold of him right away.

Besides his personality (very easy to talk to), what you see with him is what you get. A lot of the other guys post pics of when they look their best, thing with Bodyouwant, this is actually what he looks like year round.

Take this man for a Skype show or custom vid as soon as you can, you won't be disappointed.

2 Dec 2020



Verified review

Bodyouwant's name says it all. His body is always in perfect condition, he's incredibly handsome, and very personable, whether it's a Skype show, or custom video, he does not disappoint.

13 Nov 2020

Muscular Titan

Muscular Titan

Absolutely amazing. Have had a few cam shows now with this man and I have to say, hands down he is one of the best out there. He's insanely good looking, incredibly handsome, phenomenal body that's competition ready, deep voice, and he knows he is all these things. His confidence can be perceived as cockiness, but is extremely hot regardless.If you are into muscle studs, this guy is for you.

7 Nov 2020

jomama1827 has written 1 more reviews. See them all here