
Member since January 2018

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Profile Reviews


Average rating: 5.0

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

pecslicker has a Loyalty Score of 235 .

Profile Reviews

daniel carter

daniel carter

If you are looking for a God to worship he is the only one you should worship! I had a show with him on Skype and he was super pumped, he is the biggest muscle God you can find! He flexed and bounced and shown off all of his massive incredible muscles. Trust me when I say everything about Daniel is massive. And the best fact is that he loves to show off and to flex and he loves to feel his own muscles. For real I've found the best musclegod ever and I will never stop to worship him cause he deserve to be worshipped as much as possible! Guys if you choose home you will be incredibly satisfied even better than you expect!

15 Jun 2021

The Beast King of Aesthetics

The Beast King of Aesthetics

He's a true BEAST! i've ordered a custom video and he was fast to send it. He is massive, huge chest and giant biceps that he loves to show off! surely going to buy more!

23 Oct 2019



wow, just wow, the size of his extremely ripped muscles will leave you speechless! he is a nice guy and an extremely alpha male muscle god!
a drem for every muscle worshipper!!
if you never bought a show from him you can't understand! just buy it already!!

5 Feb 2019



i had i quick show with him and damn is HUGEEEE! probably the biggest i have seen, but he is also hard and veiny, and he is one of the nicest guys.
I totally suggest everybody to buy at least a short show, i surely will buy more.

20 Dec 2018

Hungry beast

Hungry beast

I had my first show with him, and he is incredibly massive, he LOVES to flex and squeeze his huge muscles.
if you are looking for muscle worship he is the one to have a show with!
I will buy a lot of shows with him for sure

11 Nov 2018

pecslicker has written 1 more reviews. See them all here