
Member since March 2014

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Average rating: 3.7

Video Reviews


Loyalty Score

Salve4muscle has a Loyalty Score of 1,765 .

Profile Reviews



This stud is such a jock, he is an alpha dominant stud. Big Bulgarian daddy!

18 Dec 2024

Nero Wolf

Nero Wolf

This guy is a scammer. Stay away. I am still waiting for a video I paid for two months ago. He is just a liar, and everything about him is fake. I think his good reviews are also fake. Probably his friends trying to make him look good so he can scam more people.

10 Dec 2024

Nero Wolf replied...
Hello! I make it back in this moment with the small percentage that did not recieve the videos promised on that period. Can you please message me? I really try to find everybody and send to them

Timothy Addleman

Timothy Addleman

This person is a scammer, stay away. He disappears after you send the money. Scammed me last year. Just a useless scammer. Send your money elsewhere to someone who can be trusted and keeps their word.

9 Dec 2024

Nero Wolf

Nero Wolf

Scammer, stay away. I can confirm the previous review, the same thing happened to me. Paid for a video that he said he will send on the same day, it's been almost two weeks and still nothing, when I ask him, he lies and gives excuses, but never follows through with his actions. First, he said he had a comp, then he was sick, and then he said he would send it within 24h, still nothing, just a liar, he is not an alpha lol just a desperate scammer. There are many trustworthy men here who will actually deliver. Stay away.

17 Sep 2024

Zac Dave

Zac Dave

Such an alpha stud full of testosterone. He made me brainless.

31 Mar 2024

Zac Dave replied...
😊😁. Ur excitement comes first. That's why I'm always here.

Salve4muscle has written 31 more reviews. See them all here