
Member since November 2014

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Two Hunks Pump and Pose with Romeo

Verified review

The rawness and physicality are amazing. This is men training as you've always dreamed they should do it. Two massively powerful training partners stripped down to their socks and trunks in a real gym. In most 'training' videos the guys play around with little weights that anyone could lift easily. Here the weights they handle are monstrous. The first exercise is a dumbbell press with what looks like 8 5kg plates on each dumbbell. That's 40kg, well over 100 pounds, in each hand. Later they use the same for bicep curls. For the lats pull down, they pin nearly all the bars on the stack, probably about 15 of them. That must be around 100kg, well over 200 pounds, of solid iron. As they heave these massive weights around, almost like toys, you can see every detail of their pumped, straining muscles. Romeo is in very small posing trunks, tailored to accentuate his massive glutes. Both guys have impressively full pouches. You can sense the amount of testosterone being generated. Oh, and it's almost worth buying this video just for the soundtrack alone. The viscerally aggressive grunting and shouting as they tame these huge weights is sensational!

29 May 2022