
Hot ass, big legs, ripped abs


37, 174cm (5'8"), 90kg (198 lbs)

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Addictivebody has 24 more photos. See them all here

About me

Here's not enough space to describe myself. I will say just i am a man who love to build muscles, a well balanced body! I will not talk here about how sexy is my butt and how hot and horny can make me to show off my body (mirror flexing is a huge turn on for me).
Now you have the chance to find more things about me. Chek my contact details and be sure i would love to talk with you if you are a nice guy!

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


I miss this guy. Still getting off to videos he made for me from years ago. Simply amazing.

muscdiz [395] on 13 Oct 2020

Awesome live show

serfm1976 [285] on 24 Jun 2018

This guy is in tip top shape and knows how to work with your needs on your web cam show......he is just great, I recommend him highly.

teddymuscle2045.55 [1560] on 11 May 2014

Nice guy. Good lighting and camera. It was very easy to see him. He flexed a lot and showed some muscle groups up close and others further away. He would happily flex what muscles you wanted to see. Good session. Recommended.

frottager [7820] on 18 Apr 2014

ripped , massive guy, hedo for me a fkexing show so welling to please highly recommended

Libert [695] on 9 Apr 2014

Addictivebody has 2 more reviews. See them all here

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Age 37
Height 174cm (5'8")
Weight 90kg (198 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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