Armz Bro

CEO of biceps

Armz Bro

25, 182cm (6'0"), 83kg (183 lbs)

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About me

Im 25years old been training for 13years, starting at a very early age of 12, i like cars, videogames, having fun and of course pumpin the muscles


Verified review

Great bodybuilder and very communicative. What I asked for he delivered.

KavanS [3285] on 28 May 2023

**I must apologize for the the tardiness of this review

Connected with this cocky stud back in mid-October of '22 for a custom video featuring his legendary biceps. Payment and delivery were easy to coordinate and I received it relatively quick. Provided a standard scripting, and he understood the assignment VERY well. His ability to improvise and elevate my requests was very impressive! He has an ability to showcase muscle like none other, and I will connect with him again very soon.

856chiboy [795] on 11 Apr 2023

5 stars!!!

johnling09 [816] on 18 Mar 2023

Simple the best custom video and he can make you dreams come true in roleplay vids signed Paul C.

musclelvr [1286] on 10 Jan 2023

Freaking amazing biceps! He’s got me hooked with his muscles and his attitude. Daily updates on OF ad well is worth it to see those gunz grow!

chompsticks.15 [2521] on 1 Dec 2021

Armz Bro has 10 more reviews. See them all here

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Armz Bro


Age 25
Height 182cm (6'0")
Weight 83kg (183 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity White


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