
Who wants to go on an aesthetic adventure?


29, 172cm (5'8"), 76kg (167 lbs)

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About me

Born and raised right outside of D.C. left the cold to soak up the warm weather and lay on the beautiful beaches.

An athlete since I could walk, have an obsession with pushing the iron and getting the heart rate up.

Always up for a night out on the town or night in the limelight ; p

Meet me

I'm available to meet in Orlando, Florida.


He is so beautiful and the perfect man

Cook [5] on 7 Aug 2018

Had a great show with Blayne! He's really hot and knows how to please his audience. He's definitely worth every penny. Don't miss a chance for a show with him.

that1time [80] on 18 Jan 2018

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Age 29
Height 172cm (5'8")
Weight 76kg (167 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity White


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