


26, 184cm (6'0"), 125kg (275 lbs)

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Carl has 110 more photos. See them all here

About me

Lots of content coming up stay tuned
-DOM- come submit
Worship and admire ;)
Young Romanian bull, superior race, where true alpha males come from, filled with testosterone, sensual, beautiful and friendly muscle stud, you can't resist the charm, youngness and cockiness, outstanding physique and charismatic behaviour

Open for muscle worship, wrestling matches in meetups :).

Meet me

I'm available to meet in Iaşi, Romania.


Wow, what can I say. I saw the mixed reviews but I decided to give Carl a go and man did he deliver! He is so huge right now, probably the biggest bodybuilder on this site. Carl's custom video for me was absolutely amazing, the quality and lighting was perfect and he did everything requested. Not only that, Carl delivered the video super fast, received it within one day. This man is so easy to communicate with, he's nice and very good looking. I can't imagine a more perfect specimen of a man, pure raw muscle and power.
If you haven't already, please check Carl out. I know there's some bad reviews but I had the best experience with Carl, and will be back for many many more videos! He is now one of my favorite bodybuilder on this site. 10/10 Thank you again buddy for fast delivery and attention to detail.

carnage1122 [856] on 3 Aug 2023

I know Carl has some mixed review here, but I'm sure he is trying to return and prove himself to be one of the best guys around!

Carl made me an AMAZING custom video earlier this month, he was kind and HONEST and super easy to communicate and deliver fast even before the deadline he said before.
He look amazing and much better than the pictures here, he is massive, well defined and even shredded I'd say.
He was amazing guy for me, delivering if in full, he was super nice and attentive to my needs and made me a video I LOVE! He is definitely been add to my Top-list of guys to support regularly and I would love to RECOMMEND on him for sure.

Carl is a pro-card athlete in world class and I do think he came back in order to prove himself as one of the best guys around, I had such a great experience with him that I'd love to support him more and be even in my small and private part of his journey to the world stage and I can't RECOMMEND on him enough because he was really great guy with me and I would love to see him more.
Thank you Carl for being amazing and talk soon!

beddubi [15325] on 23 Jul 2022

scammer guy

rui.penc [5060] on 21 Aug 2021

He is à lier.. I sent him money but never seen the video, he ignored all my messages

Achrafdst [108] on 21 Jul 2021

I made the big mistake and paid him 120€ because he needed money for his supplements and he promised me shows for the money. Since then he ignores my messages... Too bad because he was one of the best guys ever.

alex_28 [770] on 14 Jun 2021

Carl has 18 more reviews. See them all here

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Age 26
Height 184cm (6'0")
Weight 125kg (275 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity Latin


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