Birthday Flex - discounts and gifts

Damon Stephan

Muscle, Tatto, Hot Shows

Damon Stephan

21, 185cm (6'1"), 83kg (183 lbs)

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About me

Hello guys, my name is Stephan and I'm a personal trainer. I do a lot of workout like every day and besides that, I also enjoy having fun with other people. Another thing I can say about myself is that I have an open mind and a naughty mind, I am a dominant man I like to dominate, I am an alpha man. I love to show my "big tools". If you are interested we can have "special time" on Skype. If you are not interested in Skype I can send you special videos and photos only for you. Love you all!


Meet me

I'm available to meet in Bucharest, Romania.


Stephan is a newbie on TBF and as he is just beginning his bodybuilding journey, don't expect that chiseled look you can grate cheese on. But if you like youthful raw energy, you'll enjoy Stephan as he loves showing off a physique that will improve and improve.

He is easy to chat with on Skype, responsive to requests, and welcoming to all worshipers. Reasonable (negotiable) rates. Give him a go.

surfahripz16 [1742] on 1 Nov 2020

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Damon Stephan


Age 21
Height 185cm (6'1")
Weight 83kg (183 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Black
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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