Ford Muscle

The big pharaoh.

Ford Muscle

25, 181cm (5'11"), 88kg (193 lbs)

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About me

Hi guys and welcome, my name is Ford.I love to train in the gym ,to work my body hard,I want to have a body like a God .I have an open mind and a naughty one if you know what i mean.
Your worship will feed me. I love to be worshiped, spoiled, love showing my big guns and my big "snake".You will see my body in better shape day by day . I am open mind to everything you'll need .
Hit me up on skype feed, my muscles, and come worship me ,you will not regret .
Don't forget to follow me ,love you all !

Meet me

I'm available to meet in Bucharest, Romania.


received a great video form Ford muscle, he is wanting to compete and he will look amazing, very friendly and great body

Ozsport63 [4862] on 4 May 2021

Met Ford here and we have struck up a great friendship. I admires and he lets me admire. Great opportunity. Super cool guy.

Paul in USA [715] on 24 Apr 2021

This Alpha man is incredible, huge muscled body, Alpha voice, puts on an amazing show.

Serious and sexy muscle boy! I had 2 fancy shows was very amazing and I loved talked with him is very friendly!

Neal [865] on 3 Nov 2020

Purchased a custom video from FM. Overall a good experience. Subtracting one star because the video didn’t fully meet the specification.

Fzpanda [2300] on 14 Oct 2020

Bought my first custom video from him. Great guy to work with and looks just like his pics. You won’t regret contacting him I’m sure.

DoonB [6186] on 8 Oct 2020

Ford Muscle replied...
Thank you Doon :)

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Ford Muscle


Age 25
Height 181cm (5'11")
Weight 88kg (193 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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