
Your dreams can come true with me! A Latin boy waiting for get fun all day, I love workout all day


25, 177cm (5'10"), 85kg (187 lbs)

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About me

I love train, well I am personal trainer. I enjoy do excercise with friends follow me for know more about my days

Meet me

I'm available to meet in Chicago, Illinois.


This might be cheating as we didn't actually end up working together, but he was honest and open with me and after the past few negative experiences I've had with guys on here it was refreshing to find a guy honest enough to return money when a custom falls through.
That all said, he did say he was undergoing chemo, so I think it's worth noting he could probably use a lot of support right now! He's always delivered and been trustworthy so I'd say give him a chance and help him out.

RBJ89 [4922] on 14 Jul 2022

Gato2510 replied...
Thanks for your comment and understand me❤️

Received a custom video from him and Jay Vincente. I took off a point due to the video was missing a few things from my request, but he's game as always for whatever scenario you throw his way!

RBJ89 [4922] on 5 Jan 2022

Received another amazing custom video from j and gato2510. Amazing work as always.

RBJ89 [4922] on 17 Jul 2021

Gato2510 replied...
Thanks for trust in us I am here always for you

Got another great duo custom from him and J. There was a bit of a delay in the delivery, and in all honesty I'd give this a 4.5 if I could for that reason, but the end product was very satisfactory!

RBJ89 [4922] on 6 May 2021

Gato2510 replied...
Thanks baby for all

Got a hot custom from him and his hot friend J Vicente

beefy4muscle [8277] on 30 Mar 2021

Gato2510 replied...
Thanks for your rate I hope keep playing for you and enjoy more time

Gato2510 has 16 more reviews. See them all here

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Age 25
Height 177cm (5'10")
Weight 85kg (187 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity Latin


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