Horny Muscle

Horny muscle guy looking for some action!

Horny Muscle

29, 170cm (5'7"), 82kg (180 lbs)

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Horny Muscle has 4 more photos. See them all here

About me

Hey,my name is Radu,and i am 29 years old.Do you Have a scenario in your mind or you want a cam show?dont be shy and say.


Got 100€ in total, dind´t send me any video. Be careful with him!

Candyman20 [476] on 23 Oct 2020

Sorry Radu, my math is bad. You sent me 40% of my video instead of 1/3. Apologies.

Fzpanda [2300] on 18 Apr 2020

Horny Muscle replied...
Thx anyway FOR YOUR review.

Purchased a custom video from this model. He sent me one third of it. Initially, he promised to send the rest of the video the following day. The next day, in the morning , he said he sent the file, and then in the afternoon, he asked me what my email address is?! After wasting another two weeks with, still no video. Not a reliable guy and stay away.

Fzpanda [2300] on 15 Apr 2020

Horny Muscle replied...
Very good done...on third?think about one more time:)Thx for this review.You guys,The buyers ARE ALWAYS RIGHT:D

Had my first cam show with this young huge muscle guy and did exactly what I want, the show he provided to me was amazing. He is absolute stunning, ripped & shredded body by looking at this shredded body muscle, veins, biceps & abs will blow your mind. I highly recommended him to everyone not to be missed. Definitely will come back for more

Francis [980] on 11 Apr 2020

Horny Muscle replied...
Thank you very much i appreciate...looking forward to have some fun again.

Bought a couple of videos from him so far. So lean and thick. Looks great posing on cam.

DoonB [6186] on 8 Apr 2020

Horny Muscle replied...
Thank you man.waiting for the next vid for you.

Horny Muscle has 1 more reviews. See them all here

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Horny Muscle


Age 29
Height 170cm (5'7")
Weight 82kg (180 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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