
leatherjacket flexing


21, 177cm (5'10"), 87kg (191 lbs)

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About me

I flex. cum and fuck your bitch. Ill do domination. flex in my tight spandex. ill make you want to give me more. Im a young guy looking to really get back into flexing and different types of shows too;)


AVOID THIS GUY - he's a theif - he will be really nice and when you hand over money he disappears - DONT SEND HIM MONEY

loserfaggot [170] on 12 Jan 2016

Avoid! On here before as Tyler Hanson and took money and didn't do shows.

FunTimes [200] on 12 Jan 2016

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Age 21
Height 177cm (5'10")
Weight 87kg (191 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity White


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