Liam King

Cocky, Alpha, Dominant

Liam King

24, 182cm (6'0"), 87kg (191 lbs)

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Liam King has 10 more photos. See them all here

About me

Welcome to my profile!

Witness my physical perfection & masculine domination.

I have a passion for bodybuilding & love the active lifestyle.

I make videos of ALL types and guarantee I will go beyond the norm to satisfy your fantasy.

Let me know what you please to see & I will deliver an unforgettable video according to your request!

Thank You to all who have supported me throughout my fitness journey!

Contact me for custom videos & live cam sessions!

Meet me

I'm available to meet in Phoenix, Arizona.


Has a deep sexy voice and is just pure alpha! Great transaction and easy communication so A++ on customer service but the custom video I ordered was HOT. such a stud and great product. If you like worshiping an alpha this is your man

bennyshazz [257] on 30 Aug 2020

Liam King replied...
Thank you very much! I enjoyed bringing your fantasy to life. I look forward to the next video! Best regards, Liam

Liam is a breath of fresh air. He has a rock solid body but he exudes a very manly personality in his videos. When you ask for dominate in his videos, it is not over the top. It is a natural domination that is really sexy and makes his videos stand out. He really puts his personality and body in the scenes. You will not go wrong with Liam !!!!!

djmuscleflex [22872] on 29 May 2020

Liam King replied...
Thank you so much! I look forward to making more custom videos for you!

Quick to respond and create content. His acting is on point. I felt throughly intimidated. I loved the video he made and he did a good job with the strange request I had. I'm for sure returning for more content!

musclefuel [509] on 27 May 2020

Liam King replied...
Thank you for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed your custom video. I enjoyed making your custom video. I look forward to creating more content for you!

Liam Muscle King should be his name, his pics don’t do him any justice, extremely easy on the eyes, with biceps to back up everything. Ask him to hit his front double bi, I melt every time. Very reliable and friendly. And he is only getting bigger!! I can’t wait to do my next show with him.

Ajones3838 [385] on 15 May 2020

Liam King replied...
Thank you very much! I appreciate the kind words. I sincerely enjoy our live cam sessions!

Liam delivered my video I custom ordered right on time and exceeded my expectations.

soulboy87 [305] on 5 Mar 2019

Liam King replied...
Thank you very much!

Liam King has 8 more reviews. See them all here

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Liam King


Age 24
Height 182cm (6'0")
Weight 87kg (191 lbs)
Eyes Green
Hair Black
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity Arab


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