Marco Pinotti


Marco Pinotti

30, 188cm (6'2"), 140kg (308 lbs)

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About me

Hi, I am a big Italian bodybuilder who loves to show his huge muscles and body to anyone who enjoys watching big muscled guys

Meet me

I'm available to meet in London Central, United Kingdom.


Paid for a show. After the fact said he couldn’t make it because no wi-fi, even though he was texting on WhatsApp. Also then asked for more money after we agreed on the price. He eventually stopped talking altogether. Buyer beware.

mykelhm [705] on 7 Jun 2023

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Marco Pinotti


Age 30
Height 188cm (6'2")
Weight 140kg (308 lbs)
Eyes Green
Hair Black
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity Mediterranean


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