


23, 177cm (5'10"), 80kg (176 lbs)

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About me

Hello everryone, i'm a man who like armwrestling and gym.

I am waiting for you to have a show, on the camera!

I offer shows, any type of shows, you chose what to do and when to do! I can flex in front of the cam for hours, I don`t have a problem, the only thing I want is a perfect show for you.

I am waiting for you to have a show, a special one or just a flex show. You decide!


This guy do it for me 2 excellent shows, he has good shape, wide shoulders, good abs. He is alose extra sexy, and very welling to please, highly recommended guys !

Libert [695] on 17 Aug 2014

Would like to armwrestle you

singledane [280] on 17 Aug 2014

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Age 23
Height 177cm (5'10")
Weight 80kg (176 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Black
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity Latin


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