Birthday Flex - discounts and gifts

Zac Sims

23 year old alpha, 6'1 215lb lean

Zac Sims

23, 185cm (6'1"), 99kg (218 lbs)

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About me

I am looking for guys to dominate. True alpha, love flexing my big muscles. Skype -

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Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


Reliable, reliable. Just give him time and you'll get an excellent video. I've already received my second custom and more will come in the months to come.
Strong and muscular, likeable and soft-spoken guy.

yoshi22 [707] on 12 Jan 2021

I meant to write this for a while (my bad). This hunk is amazing but so underrated so it's my duty to fix this! I had a show with him a little bit ago and enjoyed it a lot. First off, he was bigger than I thought so that was great. He's honestly a good guy, reliable and very accommodating with all I wanted from him and that british accent was cherry on the cake. He also had some mic issues at first but was very very quick to find a solution so that says a lot about his character.. I'm sorry for those who have had not as good of an experience with him, but I'd put that on him being still fairly new.. Maybe if you have extremely specific requests or scripts he might not be the right fit just yet BUT if you wanna enjoy some private time with a cool young dude with big pecs and biceps, don't hesitate, his rate is fair too. I know I'll go back for more and I might have to plan a trip to the UK to meet him eventually..

kevin2019 [50] on 17 Dec 2020

An incredible man so sexy and goes the extra mile to please which i sincerely appreciate

longbyname [2434] on 16 Dec 2020

Waited 3 days after payment for him to film the entire custom video in 15 minutes. It kind of shows the less amount of care and effort to deliver well compared to other models.

As a result, some of the angles and the expected delivery were not aligned with the script.

feandkh [1547] on 6 Nov 2020

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Zac Sims


Age 23
Height 185cm (6'1")
Weight 99kg (218 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity White


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