Andy Baker

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Andy Baker

26, 181cm (5'11"), 89kg (195 lbs)

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Andy Baker has 158 more photos. See them all here

About me

Heyyy!!!! I am a Bi-Sexual Male who's super into muscles, the gym, and also a bit of a camera nerd.
Always messing around with new gear and various equipment, to add to the viewers experience. I'll definitely carry over my ability to set light over into my live cam shows, as well as, all the juicy content coming your way.

Also, Stay tuned because I'm growing by the day and for real I really mean it. Let's get this!!!

It turns me on so much to be viewed! don't be shy, tell me exactly what you want from me n watch me obey with pleasure.

I'm here for your desires to become a reality, HMU!!!

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


He takes the money and he does not deliver. Be careful!!!

Muscle Beach [1321] on 20 Apr 2022

Bought a video from Andy. He only did half of the request that we agreed on, and forgot the other half. I asked him about it, but he hasn't said anything back to me. Apparently if you point out a mistake he made, he'll just block or ignore you then move to the next person. From reading some other reviews here and elsewhere about him, I'm not the only one he's done this to. Not at all happy with this experience.

Maxxiboi [445] on 14 Apr 2022

First video worked out great. Second hasn’t been the same experience. Seems once he’s paid he’s too busy updating his onlyfans to get round to anything else.

DoonB [6186] on 13 Apr 2022

Andy Baker replied...
Dooon Bug Dug hehehehe

Most of his reviews were positive so I thought that it will be safe to buy from him and that the few negative reviews would be from "weird" or too demanding clients. I was wrong. I paid for a custom video on 04/05 and so far I got nothing, although he said he will deliver in 1-2 days.. not only that, but he is completely ignoring my messages, although i've been polite and reasonable (and not "spamming" him with angry messages). Don't get fooled by the positive reviews and his, pretentiously, enthusiastic personality. He will take your money and run. Let's keep our community clean from scammers and give our money and support to those who deserve it.

Andrew_19880 [60] on 12 Apr 2022

I purchased several videos from Andy and they were terrific. He then reached out to me asking if I wanted a video. I said yes and sent him the money. Radio silence. Be careful before you send him money because me may take it and run...

Buddie1958 [870] on 10 Apr 2022

Andy Baker has 21 more reviews. See them all here

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Andy Baker


Age 26
Height 181cm (5'11")
Weight 89kg (195 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity White


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