Chris Aesthetics

sexy, hot, young, aesthetic, tall, beauty, smart, athlete, bodybuilder, natural, posing

Chris Aesthetics

23, 182cm (6'0"), 78kg (172 lbs)

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Chris Aesthetics has 8 more photos. See them all here

About me

Hey! My name is Chris! Im 23 years old bodybuilder getting ready for competitions.
I like to flex a lot for my fans and maybe something more🤪. Im hiding my face on every single photo with white marker, if you want to see my face, contact me on skype😋. Have a wonderful day!🥰


I understand having some issues in life but I would hope to at least get updated or told that my video can’t be made after I’ve prepaid for it.
Took me months to get a confirmation of the video and then left ghosted after being promised that the video would be made ‘next week’ and nothing ever came out.
Pretty disappointing that it ended that way, hope he would reach out and make things right.

Hellothere.6 [3275] on 1 Feb 2024

Avoid him. As soon as I paid for the show we agreed on, he desappeared. Scammer

Anthony [580] on 9 Dec 2023

5 stars are not even enough for this carved and sculptured, Greek god.His ratings are a perfect 100. This guy's personality is magnetic,and hypnotizing; he will lure you in with his Alpha physique. This muscle colossus is a carved mound of perfect pecs and super ripped pulsating,muscles. He will dominate ever fiber of you being, especially your wallet. Just let the tributes pour in for this up and coming muscle icon.

photoguy12 [346] on 21 Oct 2023

Chris Aesthetics replied...
Thank you very much!🥰

Ordered a custom, and the result was unsatisfactory. There was a script, but it wasn't followed well. The execution was unorganized and all over the place, which makes me question the amount of attentiveness to deliver well. He is nice to talk with, but alas, his kindness didn't go that far in possibly refilming or further discussing the script if anything's unclear which other models will do.

feandkh [1537] on 12 May 2023

Chris Aesthetics replied...
Imagine asking for something, i did that and after i sent the video, you expected something else you didn't even told me about. Is clear that is your fault and i can't refilm videos because you can't make it clear and tell me exactly what you want.

My first custom from him and it was awesome! Very handsome guy with perfect body :) I am looking forward for more customs with him

andrew1989 [1020] on 9 May 2023

Chris Aesthetics replied...
Thank you brother! 😊

Chris Aesthetics has 2 more reviews. See them all here

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Chris Aesthetics


Age 23
Height 182cm (6'0")
Weight 78kg (172 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Brown
Ethnicity Mixed


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