Cristian B

I am a charismatic person I love to make people feel pleasure with my push-ups and my content

Cristian B

20, 170cm (5'7"), 60kg (132 lbs)

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About me

I am a street workout and calisthenics athlete, he trained about 4 years ago and I have worked my physique because I love to look good and make people enjoy me


He’s very nice and friendly . Replies super quick . Videos are high quality and sent super super fast . Reasonably priced . Will be back for more . Give him a try guys

Killer02 [1525] on 16 May 2022

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Cristian B


Age 20
Height 170cm (5'7")
Weight 60kg (132 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Bodyhair Hairy
Ethnicity Latin


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