Dante Cummings

Aesthetic boy. Slim and muscular, a perfect harmony in the body

Dante Cummings

26, 170cm (5'7"), 75kg (165 lbs)

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About me

I'm a bi guy, mostly active!! sports lover, looking good physically!! You will always have a topic of conversation with me!! interesting!! I love muscular worship, I like to be the center of attention wherever I am, I live alone, I have a German shepherd dog!! I currently do GYM, but my main sport is STREET WORKOUT & CALISTHENICS.

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


I just got my first custom video from him and wow. His physique is absolutely stunning and his dancing is really sexy. He did everything I asked for and sent the video on the same day. I highly recommend him.

Phili456 [905] on 22 Jan 2025

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Dante Cummings


Age 26
Height 170cm (5'7")
Weight 75kg (165 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Some


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