Jacked Justin

Bow Down

Jacked Justin

26, 180cm (5'11"), 79kg (174 lbs)

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About me

Hey guys 🥂

I’m a 26 yr old stud living down in Miami. I honestly don’t know what is my best feature… my six pack, boulder shoulders, shredded back, defined legs, perfect smile, or my green brown eyes 👀

I do what I want and how I want to do it. I’m living my life to the fullest and enjoying every minute of it… and I hope we can do the same together. It’s time for worship.


I’ve bought many vids from this muscle GOD and he never disappoints. His cocky smile is as perfect as his shredded six pack and biceps. Treat yourself!!

sueellen777 [227] on 23 Oct 2023

Jacked Justin replied...

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Jacked Justin


Age 26
Height 180cm (5'11")
Weight 79kg (174 lbs)
Eyes Green
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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