Jos N

Beginner Bodybuilder (100% Natty)

Jos N

31, 169cm (5'7"), 65kg (143 lbs)

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About me

Hey there, I'm a beginner in bodybuilding, my coach says I have good genes for the Classic category, so I have a proportional body with good legs but I'm still a beginner so it's all about practice and repetition! (Español - English - Português)

Too much of a millenial, I'm into music and some other forms of art too! I have muscle and many other interesting traits!

P.D: I won't deny I like having my muscles worshipped! Up?

Meet me

I'm available to meet in São Paulo, Brazil.


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Jos N


Age 31
Height 169cm (5'7")
Weight 65kg (143 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Shaved
Bodyhair Some
Ethnicity Latin


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