Kiki Lek


Kiki Lek

35, 169cm (5'7"), 96kg (211 lbs)

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About me

Born and raised in France until was 14 then move the states and fell in love with bodybuilding at 15 it’s pretty much everything for me.


scammed me as well. Insists on cash constantly and promises the people who wrote bad reviews are lying. He is a scam artist. I should have listened. DO NOT SEND HIM MONEY.

king1157 [162] on 10 Aug 2024

Can confirm he's a scammer, the same happened to me.

jorispc [340] on 29 Jul 2024

Oh yes please stay far away from this guy. He is a SCAMMER. He wants you to send him money and will never deliver the product. I sent him money before and he promised a show. Then got really rude that I was bugging him when I asked him when he was going to send. This guy has some real issues and he will do whatever it takes to steal your money. Stay away.

chris.89 [855] on 28 Jul 2024

It has been a while, but I was scammed. He promised to give me his skype ID after I paid. I think he is the real deal, but he took my money and ran.

promuscleflex [152] on 27 Jul 2024

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Kiki Lek


Age 35
Height 169cm (5'7")
Weight 96kg (211 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Bald
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity Black


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