Mad Max

Athlete bodybuilding performance, preparing for competitions

Mad Max

25, 187cm (6'2"), 94kg (207 lbs)

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Mad Max has 47 more photos. See them all here

About me

Young, energetic, cheerful and sociable guy. I love new dating travel. The performing athlete keeps myself constantly in shape.
And I love to show my muscles (FLEX)


I bought a video from you, you are fantastic, you have the body of a Greek god, but I don't have enough, and I want a personalized video, I sent you an email a few days ago and a Skype message yesterday and I haven't received any response. Do you still make custom videos? Are your email and Skype operational?

x22478 [1445] on 24 Sep 2023

Wow Max, thank you for a fantastic new video, Handsome Hunk Flexing 2.
You look so good flexing your long lean body and you have the most perfect veiny arms with beautiful biceps that you flex hard again and again.
More videos please :-)

Mich02 [2204] on 13 Mar 2021

After seeing Max's work on here, I contacted him to buy a custom flexing video. I am very happy with the result. He has an awesome physique and amazing arm veins. In addition, the video has super clear HD resolution, with which I am very happy.

Max is a nice guy and easy to do business with. I wish him much success in his physique training and contests. I recommend him highly.

sfo13m [12719] on 6 Jul 2019

I bought my third custom video from MadMax25. It is 100 % perfect and Max did the show exactly like I asked for. He really knows what I like and how to display it in his flexing show. And Max has the most perfect, veiny arms with hard biceps that he loves to show off.
I look forward to future custom shows from MadMax25.

Mich02 [2204] on 5 Jun 2019

Bought my second custom from max. Again, smooth transaction and perfect quality video. Highly recommended

Fzpanda [2300] on 2 Jun 2019

Mad Max has 5 more reviews. See them all here

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Mad Max


Age 25
Height 187cm (6'2")
Weight 94kg (207 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Black
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity Black


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