Masked Matt

Huge mass monster

Masked Matt

34, 169cm (5'7"), 119kg (262 lbs)

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About me

It’s all about the mass ! More muscle is always better and I love showing it ALL off!!!

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


He is a real bodybuilder and muscle beast. His massive muscles are impressive and he still wants to grow. 💪💪💦
Thanks a lot for the great posing video!!!

Muscle Beach [1321] on 21 Feb 2023

Masked Matt is a BEAST! If you’re into MASSIVE….. Veiny…… Cocky alpha muscle then he is your man!!!

I have gotten a few videos from him and also his OF account is a muscle fans dream!!!

Metgot [3872] on 16 Feb 2023

Responding to: "Hi, where abouts did you order your custom?"

Masked Matt, I sent you a message (not on here). Let's handle it offline.

JohnnyDiesel [1785] on 16 Feb 2023

I ordered a custom video and have waited months. At least 6 times he's said he would get back to me. He may be good for live stuff, but I wouldn't recommend ordering a custom video.

JohnnyDiesel [1785] on 14 Feb 2023

Masked Matt replied...
Hi, where abouts did you order your custom ?

First, I want to note how fuckin dope 'Masked Matt' a.k.a Muscle bull is to chat with!!! Don't waste is time with just chatter! Instead show your respect with support! Buy is BestFlex video and follow him on Skype for a custom!

Second, this brother knows how to build a PRO fuckin physique! The symmetry and proportions are SICK! And, the mass added to the frame is nothing less than PRO status!

Finally, buy and support this bodybuilder so he can become BETTER and BETTER! This brother is a FREAK! His offseason is incredible! While adding mass this guy maintains a conditioned physique!

ONE more BADASS bodybuilder added to The BestFlex portfolio

Fuckin BOSS

MASE [865] on 13 Feb 2023

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Masked Matt


Age 34
Height 169cm (5'7")
Weight 119kg (262 lbs)
Eyes Blue
Hair Shaved
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity White


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