Nick Emerald

Everyone's favorite med student / bodybuilder

Nick Emerald

33, 173cm (5'8"), 92kg (202 lbs)

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About me

What's up everyone? I'm based out of socal. Bodybuilder for fun, going to med school full time. This is my side hustle (everything made here goes to paying for school). I am one of the most nicest people every, so lets all be respectful. Return times for everything should be very quick (even though I am in school I am making it my priority to get back to you asap)! Feel free to message me and lets get something started.


I contacted him for a custom video on April 13 and he proceeded to lie and make numerous excuses about what was going on with the video. He never made it, took the money, and ran off! Avoid and do not purchase anything from him!

TillXXX [610] on 19 May 2024

Same as the last two reviews. "Nick Emerald" said he'd deliver the next day then disappeared. He's a con. Stay away.

bignicka [295] on 11 May 2024

This guy has scammed me... I paid him and he promised to deliver several times but didn't... it's been more than a month. He is a scammer and don't get fooled by him... he seems to be nice at first but he is a cheater.

BBMuscle [505] on 7 May 2024

Purchased a custom video from Nick. He promised to deliver the video the next day, however , over one week has passed, radio silence and no video. Scammer alert.

Fzpanda [2300] on 6 May 2024

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Nick Emerald


Age 33
Height 173cm (5'8")
Weight 92kg (202 lbs)
Eyes Green
Hair Bald
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity Mixed


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