
Muscle BigGuy Flex


22, 188cm (6'2"), 95kg (209 lbs)

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About me

I love going to the gym and getting big m, also loce to communicate

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


Be careful. I sent him the money we agreed and since then he is not answering anymore. I doubt I will get my show. So, be careful ...

mardak [756] on 7 May 2023

Was good at responding up until i sent the money. Now is ignoring and i havent gotten my show yet

Williamknor0 [265] on 6 May 2023

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Age 22
Height 188cm (6'2")
Weight 95kg (209 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown
Bodyhair Smooth
Ethnicity Latin


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