Zet Warrior

Alpha Male 🔥

Zet Warrior

25, 165cm (5'5"), 80kg (176 lbs)

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Zet Warrior has 29 more photos. See them all here

About me

I'm a bodybuilder 🏋‍♂️ and I compete every year. So I decided to show you my progress📈. I am a NPC competitor in open bodybuilding. I basically do everything to try to make ends meet. Bodybuilding is very expensive with food, supplements, and contest costs. Because of these cost I have not been able to compete as much as I would like nor focus on bodybuilding As much as I would like. I am looking for sponsors to help me pay for the basic things needed to become a better bodybuilder and take less stress off my wallet. I’m barely making it by but my main focus is my bodybuilding. It’s my love. It’s my life. It’s my passion.
If you want to see big muscle contact me on skype

Meet me

Contact me directly for more information on where I'm available to meet.


Got a great video from this guy. He's bulking just a little right now but the arms are superb and the pecs nice and big. This is not the first video I've gotten from him. But he manages to do new things for me all time.

gsplover [1684] on 17 Nov 2024

Zet Warrior replied...
Thank you a lot🙏🏼

Today I had my first show with Zet Warrior. He was honest, friendly and looked as good as his photos here. I will return!

cooper1979 [2600] on 14 Oct 2024

Zet Warrior replied...
Thank you my friend🙏🏼

Got my 13th video yesterday, fantastic as always. Always friendly and quick to respond as well, let's keep it up 😉💪

jorispc [345] on 20 Sep 2024

Zet Warrior replied...
thank’s for everything,amazing man🙏🏼💪🏻

very friendly and accommodating guy. He has made big body improvements since I first got a video from him and the improvements are really gratifying to see and watch

gsplover [1684] on 17 Sep 2024

Zet Warrior replied...
Thank you🫶🏻🔥

Andrei is truly the best and accommodating guy you will ever know. Friendly, open minded and humble. He thrives for better in his bodybuilding journey. Kind and eager to please you as goes along the way. Support him and you will not be disappointed.

johnling09 [821] on 17 Sep 2024

Zet Warrior replied...
Thank you so much my friend🙏🏼

Zet Warrior has 39 more reviews. See them all here

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Zet Warrior


Age 25
Height 165cm (5'5")
Weight 80kg (176 lbs)
Eyes Green
Hair Blonde
Bodyhair Shaved
Ethnicity White


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