Cum On My Sexy Abs with Andrew AD

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The deep definitions between each of Andrew's hard muscular six pack are about to become rivers of cum as he jerks off and shoots his load all over his abs.


Abs | XXX (18+)


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I wouldn't normally buy a six minute video, but during a recent sale I sought to only purchase from among the many $19.99 video offerings and this is the only jerk off video at that price that I discovered and it is so worth it, brief though it is! With a jerk off video, it all comes down to the last 90 seconds usually, so who needs a long buildup? Start with a different video or three to get juiced up then finish with the ripped and gorgeous Andrew! He's almost balletic in how he presents himself, thrusting his hips upward, twisting his torso, and doing those hot vacuums. He's long and lean with deep cut abs and prominent serratus so the post coital flex is equally as sexy as the pre. I'm wild about this young stud with such an angelic face who behaves so diabolically carnal❣️💪🏼🔥🤤

in2muslmen [41595] on 28 Jan 2024

Video info

Price $19.99
Duration 6:04
Format .mp4
Nudity Yes
Video file sizes
1920*1080 463MB