Striated and Vascular Upper Body Posing with HardRocker

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If you like your physiques thick, vascular and striated, HardRocker is the bodybuilder for you. He has one of those magnificent bodies that is so well developed and clearly the result of years of hard work and dedication. What a joy that he’s happy to show it off for us! HadRocker has some beautiful pumped muscles all over his upper body, but his shoulders and upper chest have to be a particular highlight and get plenty of focus here. Flexing so hard he goes red in the face and breaks out in sweat, you can literally see the veins bursting in his shoulders, the deep splits and striations on full display!


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Very sexy man !! He gained some serious mass... However I regret he doesn't show his huge back... I hope on next videos ^^

Arnaud [7631] on 26 Aug 2023

Video info

Price $19.99
Duration 10:04
Format .mp4
Nudity No
Video file sizes
1920*1080 773MB