Christmas Gifts

Strip Down and Pump Up with Romeo

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Free Christmas Gift when you buy any one of my videos before 27 December. Preview the free gift here.


Handsome Romeo looks gorgeous in his tight outfit, with those muscles bulging all over the place. He slowly strips down from his sweater to his t-shirt to shirtless, as we muscle fans enjoy the gradual reveal of that beautiful body! Romeo pumps up with weights to make those biceps pop even more, as he grunts and strains through some sexy upper body posing!


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Romeo understands the assignment! Flexing with muscles bulging under the sweater for long enough to appreciate it instead of rushing through it, then stripping through the layers pretty much as advertised in the description and preview. Lots of hot alpha verbal but with another layer of some welcome flirtatiousness too talking about his beautiful eyes. Total package!

spence [1071] on 7 Nov 2023

Video info

Price SALE $24.99 $21.24
Duration 15:08
Format .mp4
Nudity No
Video file sizes
1920*1080 919MB