Fill Your Car With Muscle with Steven C

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Get ready for the ultimate close-up muscle experience. Steven is about to make your car feel exceptionally small when he fills it with his massive muscles. Imagine being this close and this confined with all this alpha power.


Arms | Chest


Verified purchase

very good

bosco123 [3575] on 18 Nov 2022

Verified purchase

I hesitated to purchase this video because I normally like to worship the musclegod from head to toe. But, having seen Steven's other videos I have come to realize that whatever body part he wishes to show is more than anyone can handle. In this one, we see his arms, chest, and traps; and they are phenomenal! Even though he isn't in contest condition, the size, the definition, the cuts, and striations are already manifest. I cannot imagine what he will look like in a week or two. And Steven, I am with you when you say you will strike fear in your competitors. As you said, next to you they will look small, skinny, and weak. That is certain.

What must it be like to be trapped in a tight space with this god?

Bloktut [780] on 18 Jun 2022

Video info

Price $19.99
Duration 10:22
Format .mp4
Nudity No
Video file sizes
1920*1080 381MB