LOVE MUSCLE 2021 - Perfect Valentine with Travis Maverick

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Nothing would make you happier this Valentine's than a night with Travis. His sexy body, his handsome good looks and the most gorgeous smile. His body is your gift to enjoy this Valentine's Day.


Abs | All American Hunks | Arms | Cam shows | Chest | LOVE MUSCLE


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It's sweet! Travis's body is obviously insane, but his eyes and smile are truly breathtaking here -- he has a genuine charisma made for the camera, and I am surprised he isn't on our television screens yet. He never shames or degrades the viewer in this video, which is important considering the theme. Happy Valentine's Day and Thanksgiving to all of us.

hollywood_cashier [380] on 16 Feb 2021

Video info

Price $28.99
Duration 10:00
Format .mp4
Nudity No
Video file sizes
1920*1080 468MB